Spring Rose Ceremony

Beauty comes when women gather in Ceremony. It allows you to step out of the fullness of life and into a modern-day sacred Temple space.

When being lovingly held within this sacred space, your Heart opens, your Feminine self softens and you remember your place within the living and breathing web of life.

Ceremony offers a sacred space of connection, depth, and authenticity that awakens ancient memories from deep within.  It offers communion with your Soul and time to focus on yourself and your Spiritual journey.

When women gather together a subtle weaving takes place offering a felt sense of unity and belonging. 

I invite you to join me and like-minded Sisters in the Temple Space.

The Ceremonial gathering will be expansive, evocative and will offer nourishment for your Heart and Soul…

During the Seasons of Woman Ceremony you will experience:

  • A deepening of heartfelt Sister connection

  • Rituals and Earth Wisdom teachings to honour the seasons

  • A Connection to and understanding of the Seasons of Woman

  • Realignment of your inner compass and to your Soul’s Path

  • A return to the rhythms and reasons of Nature

  • Decrease in stress

  • Support from a loving Circle of Women

  • Flower Essences as catalysts for emotional freedom

  • The medicine of sharing and receiving Women’s wisdom

  • Reconnection to your Femininity

  • Soul Constellations® to support your Souls journey

  • Nourishment and nurturing of your Heart and Soul

Seasons of Woman Ritual and Ceremony will connect you to the web of life that weaves within and around you, connecting you to the seen and unseen in your world…

Experience connection, empowerment and healed Sisterhood…

Next Ceremony

Rose ~ Spring ~ Maiden

Date : Sunday 10th November 2024 2pm - 5pm

The medicine of Rose and the energies of the beltane solar gateway will guide you through this ceremony supporting your soul expansion. 

Rose : Medicine for the Feminine…

Rose has been revered throughout history and is a well known medicine of the Feminine.

Through her velvety petals, sweet fragrance and thorns she weaves to awaken pathways from within that allow you to connect with your Heart, assisting you to return to love.

Lady Rose holds the codes of creation and teaches humanity how to walk the path of beauty.

This beautiful and ancient plant ally belongs to many of our lineages and she has vast amounts of wisdom to share. Rose will help to ignite passion and purpose, uplift your Heart and lovingly usher you towards accessing the wisdom you hold within.

This subtle plant holds a medicine for these times and will gently tend to the nervous system, allowing for deep nourishment and restoration.

Spring : The Beltane Solar Gateway

Beltane is the peak of Spring and this time period begins to usher in Summer and the Element of Fire. This is a beautiful time to celebrate and give thanks for the richness in your life.

It’s a fire festival that honours fertility, love and life and a magical time for you to dream your passions awake. 

The Earth energies are at their peak, and the Flowers are in full bloom, it’s the perfect time to gather in Ceremony to support the blossoming of your Soul.

Maiden : Season of Woman

The Archetype of the Maiden is connected to the Season of Spring. Your maiden is the embodiment of purity, innocence and play and she holds the dreams that your Soul incarnated with.

Your Maiden is connected to community, curiosity, adventure, generosity and love.

“Jo's Ceremonies are a breathtaking combination of beauty, ritual, magic and devotion.

We are held in a safe place, and then offered support and guidance to spiral deeply inwards. Jo's commitment to this work benefits each and every one of us as we enter this sacred realm.”


  • These will be held at The Health Hub in Coffin Bay

  • To allow you to drop out of the fullness of life and into your Heart

  • Each Ceremony will be guided by a particular Plant Ally.

    This will allow a connection to the wisdom of the Plant Kingdom and will help bring about transformation. 

  • To support your Soul's Journey through the Wheel of the Year

  • Be lovingly heard and held within a sacred space of Feminine nourishment and healing.

    Sharing your truth and having it lovingly witnessed in a safe space is medicine for the Soul.

Seasons of Woman CEREMONY

What You’ll Receive

During a Seasons of Woman Ceremony…

Your truth will be activated and a deeper understanding of yourself will be gained through gathering with your sisters in Ceremony…

Seasons of Woman CEREMONY

Spring Date & Location

Date: Sunday 10th November 2pm - 5pm

Location : The Health Hub, Coffin Bay

Register Below


More Information

I am an accredited and authorised Shamanic Ceremonialist and Authorised Teacher within The White Dragon Lineage®. With love and gratitude I honour my teacher and mentor Sharon Bolt for her continued teachings of wisdom and guidance.

All Rituals, Earth Wisdom practices and alchemy will be woven and held within a Sacred Space Weaver template and all teachings are embodied with integrity, love, safety, honour and ethics.

The Seasons of Woman Ceremonies will be held at The Health Hub, Coffin Bay, South Australia. Ceremonies are limited to 10 Women and payment is required at the time of booking which secures your place.

With respect I wish to acknowledge the Nauo People as the Traditional owners of the land that the Ceremonies will take place upon. May we all remember to honour the Spirit of place, the Ancestors and the land and leave a better world for our Descendants.

Other Offerings & Services

  • Seasons of Woman

    Seasons of Woman

    Beauty comes when women gather in Ceremony. It allows you to step out of the fullness of life and into a modern-day sacred Temple space.

  • Women's Circles

    A safe and supportive space for us to come together and experience the gentle nurturing energy of the feminine.

  • The Heart of the Rose

    The Heart of the Rose

    Embark on a 3 month journey of Sisterhood, Heart healing and Soul expansion which will awaken you to your divine purpose.

  • The Wheel of Love

    The Wheel of Love

    A 12-month journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom connecting you to the rhythms of Nature and instilling a sense of belonging.

  • 1:1 Services

    1:1 Sessions

    Support your growth and awakening through personalised Flower Essence Therapy, Soul Alchemy or Womb Weaving Sessions.