About Jo Bell Cummings
Meet Jo…
I was born under a Libra Sun and Taurus Moon.
I descend predominantly from the lands of Scotland and the Orkney Islands, the Middle East, England and North Western Europe. There is also a fascinating sprinkling of Scandinavian and Turkish heritage in my blood too.
I was born and raised in Australia in a beautiful old stone home with a glorious garden filled with flowers. This is where my love for nature began.
I’m a Ceremonialist, Flower Essence and Soul Healing Arts® Practitioner and Teacher of The Empress and the Dragon Priestess Path.
I’m devoted to reclaiming the ways of the Feminine and assisting in the restoration of the Sacred.
I create safe and intimate spaces for women and guide them on their journey of remembrance.
I am a Temple Keeper.
I invite women into their inner Temple of Divinity. I gather women together in the Temples of Sisterhood and call them back into the Temples of their Hearts.
I am a Mother, a Partner, a Sister, a Daughter and a Granddaughter.
I am a Friend, a Seeker, a Student, a Mentor and a Teacher.
I live life aligned to the rhythms of the Earth and I am guided by the Mysteries.
I am a lover of the plants and flowers, grand old trees and the mysteries of the Rose.
I walk the path of Beauty and the quiet is a balm for my soul.
I believe that a loving Circle of women is often the best medicine of all.
I am a seeker of knowledge and truth and I value integrity, humility and kindness.
I have always been an introspective person and a deep thinker, constantly searching for meaning and the teachings my life experiences offer me.
I am committed to my own inner healing, shadow work and evolution. I always will be. It is vital to my role as a Facilitator and teacher of deep Women’s Work.
I've walked the path of inner exploration for over 25 years and through this I’ve learned that life is a beautiful and winding Spiral and we are constantly growing and transforming day by day. The experiences we have in life have the potential to shape who we are and how we view our place and sense of belonging in the world.
I support and guide you in “knowing thyself”, allowing you to remember the magnificence of who you are as a woman.

Acknowledging my teachers…
My dedication, faith and personal quest has taken me both nationally and internationally for training and pilgrimages to receive embodied experiences and teachings from different lands.
Throughout my years of continued learning I’ve been blessed with incredible teachers and mentors from all over the globe. Each have been a source of wisdom and inspiration and I'm eternally grateful for the influence they've had on my path.
It's important to acknowledge those who’ve had an impact on who I am and my work in the world. Acknowledgement is an ancient and well respected aspect of the tradition of the student / teacher relationship and it's how we honour the sacred and the lineage.
For the past 6 years I’ve been undergoing extensive training and initiations with Sharon Bolt within The White Dragon Lineage.
Much love and gratitude to Sharon Bolt, Joseph Callendar and The White Dragon Lineage for opening my consciousness in the most profound ways to Spirit, the unseen world and to the blessings of walking an animistic path.
Deepest bows to Sharon for her fierce and loving mentorship which continues to be a great catalyst on my path of service in the world.
Over the years David Dalton has been an incredible source of inspiration and his teachings continue to be foundational on my path as a Flower Essence Practitioner.
I’m enormously grateful for the education David offers on Flower Essences as a medicine for the future.
I then went into deeper studies with Flower Essences and also a 3 year Priestess mentorship with Ameya Cohen.
Ameya lovingly walked by my side for a number of years and supported me to become more of my true self.
Acknowledging Ian White from Australian Bush Flower Essences who first introduced me to the medicine of the flowers all those years ago. Ian was my first Flower Essence teacher and his beautiful work opened my world to the magic of the flowers.
Huge love to my dear friend Kate Reed creator of The Sister Circles for graciously teaching me the fine and delicate art of holding space in Circle.
There are many more Teachers, Mentors and Practitioners who have helped shape me and I have great respect and gratitude for them all.
And of course to my loving Family, Ancestors and Spirit Team. It is an honour and a great privilege to come from lineages of such wonderful, respected and humble teachers.
My Qualifications & Certifications
2025 Universal Laws Practitioner Mentoring ~ Sharon Bolt
2025 Floral Acupuncture ~ Deborah Craydon
2024 Soul Healing Arts Practitioner Mentoring ~ Sharon Bolt
2024 The Solar Gateways Practitioner Mentoring ~ Sharon Bolt
2023/24 The Kingdoms of Light ~ The Dragon, Crystal, Plant & Tree Kingdoms ~ Sharon Bolt
2023 Soul Healing Arts Practitioner and Teacher Training ~ Sharon Bolt
2024 - 2020 Continued Flower Essence Practitioner Workshops ~ David Dalton
2022 Spiritual Foundations Mentoring ~ Sharon Bolt
2022 Sword of Truth ~ The Empress and the Dragon ~ Sharon Bolt
2021 Heart of the Rose ~ The Empress and the Dragon ~ Sharon Bolt
2020 Obsidian ~ The Empress and the Dragon ~ Sharon Bolt
2019 - 21 Shamanic Magician Practitioner Training ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2021 Womb Weaver ~ Sharon Bolt
2021 Spirit Weaver 9 month Training ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2020 Galactic Coven 9 month Temple Keeper Mentorship ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2020 Pendulum ~ Awaken your Intuition ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2020 Spirit Animals ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2020 Spirit Journeys ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2020 Spirit Allies & Mythical Creatures ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2019 Sacred Space Weaver ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2019 Drum Journey Training & Hyperspace Navigation ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2019 Level 2 Sister Sircles Training ~ Kate Reed
2017 - 19 Avalon Priestess Path ~ Joanne Ameya Cohen
2017 ~ Advanced / Level 2 Flower Essence Training ~ Joanne Ameya Cohen
2016 ~ Flower Essence 6 month Practitioner Training Programme ~ Joanne Ameya Cohen
2015 ~ Level 1 Sister Circles Training ~ Kate Reed
2014 ~ Institute for Integrative Nutrition ~ IIN
2009 - 2013 Level 1 & 2 Australian Bush Flower Essences ~ Ian White
Soul Healing Arts® Practitioner Training ~ Sharon Bolt
2025 - 2021 Temple Keeper for The Inner Temple ~ Sharon Bolt
2023 - 2021 Temple Keeper for Sacred Space Weaver ~ Sharon Bolt
2024 - 2022 Temple Keeper for The Kingdoms of Light Trainings ~ Sharon Bolt
2020 - 2017 Flower Essence Practitioner Mentor for the Woman Rising Flower Essence Practitioner Training Program