Path of the Sacred
An alchemical journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom.
20tH OCTOBER 2025 / 12th October 2026
This immersion will ignite love from within…
It will awaken you to the ever-present whispers of the Great Mother and reconnect you to your cyclical nature, allowing you to live a life that’s blessed by beauty.
Many women have lost their connection to Mother Earth and to the rhythms of the cycles and seasons.
This shows up in our lives as a sense of constant overwhelm which often borders on burnout. Frustration, dissatisfaction and overstimulated nervous systems are commonplace these days which regularly leads to a complete detachment purely in order to get by. This state of existence is purely about survival as we hustle, push and race to get to the finish line, so we can finally take a breath for just a moment.
This is not how our lives are supposed to be.
Our ancestors lived in harmony with all of Nature, yet over time this wisdom has been forgotten, resulting in disconnect - to ourselves, to one another and in our relationship with the land.
We have forgotten to notice the world around us…
We have forgotten how to live in Feminine flow with the Spiral of creation…
Since the beginning of time, women have understood their connection to the Earth and her changing cycles and seasons.
We are all one within the greater web of life and there is no separation. Nature isn’t separate from you, it is who and what you are. Just as our much-loved Mother Earth moves through her seasons, as a woman you do too…
You are a beautiful, integral and ever changing part of the Spiral of creation.
As you consciously walk through the Wheel of the Year and return to the rhythms of Nature, a beautiful reconnection takes place.
You come back home to yourself and anchor in your place of belonging…
You remember and reclaim yourself as a Daughter of the Earth and live a well nourished life in alignment with the cycles and the seasons.

…Deepen your experience of Sacred Ceremony, Earth Wisdom, Unity Consciousness and Sisterhood
What is the Wheel of Love?
THE WHEEL OF Love is an ONLINE journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom teachings.
The cornerstone of the Wheel is reweaving love and the sacred back into your daily life. This is a Spiralling journey of remembrance of the ways of the Feminine.
It is a conscious walk through the Wheel of the Year and a return to the rhythms, cycles, and seasons of Nature.
It is a slowing down and reconnecting with the gentle feminine flow of the Earth’s wisdom.
Over the 12 months, you will gather in Ceremony every 6 weeks alongside other like-minded women to celebrate and honour the turning of the Wheel of the Year.
You will celebrate the Holy Days of the Celtic Wheel just as our ancestors did with rituals that will honour your connection to the Sun and the life that it offers, and the Earth and her changing cycles and seasons.
You’ll reweave yourself into the fabric of nature and in turn, realign to your internal compass.
On this mythical and magickal journey through the Great Wheel of the Year you’ll celebrate the 8 Holy Day ceremonies by:
Focusing on Stargate activations and deepening your relationship to the Mother of Creation and the Great Central Sun
Experience Elemental Dragon Power and realignment of the Divine Child within.
Work with Lemurian Ceremonial templates to honour the deep and transformative work at a planetary level.
The 12 month Spiral is an opportunity to step into balance, inner unity and expanded consciousness.
Wish to awaken love within their lives.
It’s for Women who wish to cultivate their relationship to the Earth and to journey through the seasons…
It is for women who are ready to acknowledge and alchemise their shadows in order to step into their fullest expression of Self.
During the Wheel of Love you will feel your sense of belonging and reconnection take root… to yourself, Mother Earth and to the women walking by your side.
The Wheel of Love
You’ll begin your journey with an Alchemy of Prayer Opening call.
Your first High Holy Day Ceremony for the 2025/26 Spiral will be at Beltane and from here you will be guided through the seasons and into the layers of your inner world.
Each Holy Day, or anchor point on the Wheel is a gateway and holds key Soul evolutionary codes that will drive the theme for each ceremony. The embodiment of all the keys opens us to the magick of the infinity symbol within and connection to our Immortal Spirit ∞.
As you journey through each seasonal gateway you’ll receive a workbook which includes Earth Wisdom Practices, Rituals and Embodiment Practices to support your inner Spiritual work.


The Wheel of Love is for Women who desire to awaken Love within their lives…
It is for those who wish to cultivate their relationship to the Earth and realign their lives to live in connection with the cycles and the rhythms of the seasons…
What You’ll Receive
To reclaim yourself and your place of belonging as a
Woman anchored in love throughout the journey you’ll receive:
These ceremonies will immerse you in ancient wisdom, align you with the cosmic energies of each season, and offer a profound connection to the Earth's cycles and the Divine, elevating your spiritual journey.
Includes Earth Wisdom Practices, Rituals and Embodiment Practices.
By deepening your connection to the earth and the sacred, these ceremonies reweave you into the fabric of nature, nurturing your soul's journey and realigning you with your internal compass.
Engaging in intimate prayer circles you’ll be offered a sacred space for collective intention-setting, amplifying your connection to the energies of each season and fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.
To support your journey throughout the year.
Soul Constellations® has been created by Sharon Bolt.
This profound modality is based on Family Constellations yet has a focus on the spiritual aspects of our journey.
Astrology Updates for every 6 week season personalised for our group from our in house Astrologer.
Understand and explore the different Archetypal phases of Woman and how they correspond to each Seasonal Gateway.
Delve into the magick of Colour Rays, and begin to understand how to weave their energy into your daily life. This guide will enhance your spiritual journey and offer insights into the vibrational frequencies that align with the Wheel of Love.
Gain a unique perspective and archetypal wisdom to support your Earth Walk as you explore the Tarot Major Arcana in connection with the Wheel of the Year.
Unlock the healing potential within your body by exploring the 8 Extraordinary Meridians and Acupressure Healing Points to help support overall well-being, healing, and balance.
Reconnect with the wisdom of your ancestors and gain insights and guidance from the past. This awakening supports your soul's evolution and offers a deeper understanding of your lineage and place in the world.
Integrate the magick of seasonal Tree and Flower plant spirits and their energies into your inner journey. Connect with the wisdom of the plant kingdom to help bring about transformation.
These unique practices will help you express your unique essence and foster a deeper connection to yourself
A glorious pack of goodness including a Rose Flower Essence to ignite the unfurling of your Heart into love.
This private space is your virtual sanctuary for sharing experiences, insights, and seeking support.
Learn how to create Flower Essences to support the evolution of your Soul.
This bonus online training has been created by Sharon Bolt. A practice of daily sovereign prayer can assist you in feeling connected, centred, grounded and energetically stable. It aligns your inner compass to your Divinity, to Source Consciousness and will open up the pathways of love between your Spirit, Soul, Body and Heart.
THE Wheel of the LOVE
Upcoming Dates
for 2025 / 2026 Spiral
We begin 20th October 2025 - 12th October 2026
The Wheel of Love Online Ceremony Dates for the 2025/26 Spiral >
The WHEEL OF love
Your Investment
The Wheel of Love Online
This powerful and transformative journey is for women who wish to deepen their connection to themselves, their inner world and the Earth’s cycles. This experience will be a powerful anchor for the work you do in 2025/2026.
$2222 AUD
The Wheel of Love Upgrade with 1:1 Sessions
Support your integration and inner alchemy further with 4 x one-on-one sessions throughout the year.
$3322 AUD
Payment plans are available for all options or for personalised payment plans please contact me.

The Wheel of Love is a remembrance of how to walk the path of beauty. This year long Spiral through the seasons will nourish and awaken your innate Feminine Essence...
The Wheel of Love FAQ’s
Yes as commitment for the full year will greatly assist you in aligning your energy to The Mother of Creation and Father Sun. It will anchor ceremonial practice within your being.
All sessions are recorded and available for the full programme to view at any time.
Yes. If you need integration / therapeutic assistance it is important to book an additional session with either myself or a trusted practitioner. I can also provide a list of people that can assist if required. There is also the option for the upgrade where you receive 4 x 1:1 sessions over the year.
Soul Constellations® addresses issues that are typically at a Soul and Spirit level.
“Every Soul is a unique tapestry of journeys across lifetimes. To witness the Soul’s etheric mandala for healing, reflection and growth is a blessing beyond words.
Soul connection is not generally encouraged in our society yet for true healing to occur, the Soul must be anchored in the human body.
A soulful life is a more fulfilling experience despite the challenges we invariable face as part of the human experience.
Soul Constellations® is inspired by Family Constellations created by Bert Hellinger.
Whereas Family Constellations focuses on healing family dynamics, Soul Constellations® aims to bring remedy and resolve to our Soul’s journey and all aspects of our spiritual work.
This work is true soul healing, incorporating karmic clearing and timeline reconciliation.” ~Sharon Bolt, creator of Soul Constellations®
An example of some of the areas that can be addressed are:
Soul Path + Purpose
Soul Connection
Soul Alignment
Vows + Contracts
Karmic Patterns
Soul Family
Incarnation Decisions
Sister Wounds
Heart Connection
Womb Connection
And so much more…
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians represent the body’s deepest level of energetic structuring.
These meridians carry ancestral energy which corresponds to our genetic inheritance and are the first to form in utero. They support the function of the 12 meridians.
Esoterically, the 8 Extraordinary Meridians represent the very fabric of our Soul and working with them during this journey will support your experience of the 8 Holy Days and in turn your journey with the 12 months of the year.
You will be introduced to the Colour Rays in a unique format which allows for their essence and healing to be applied to every area of your life.
Working with the Colour Rays has completely revolutionised my world!
Yes. Some ceremonies may require that you purchase a certain herb or specific ritual pieces and you may also have to source things from nature.
I will give you plenty of notice and will also offer certain ritual pieces that are available for purchase.
The minimum time commitment is of course attending each 1.5 hour Ceremony and the Rose Women’s Circles.
I also highly recommend the post ritual work to get the most of this 12 month journey.
I suggest to allow at least 1 hour minimum through each 6 week season for reflective time and to work on the practices offered.
As always, the more time and energy you put into your devotional practice for the Spiral, the more you will receive.
Yes. There will also be a private group for the duration of the 12 month Spiral.
The Wheel of the Rose is an intimate, inner and very personal journey as we journey through the Wheel of the Year. You will benefit from staying in connection and sharing with one another.
The Wheel of Love is not a training. It is an experience to support the evolution o your Soul.
Monthly Payment Plans are available and incur an additional admin fee of $34 which covers the fees charged by the website provider.
If you need a customised Payment Plan please reach out to discuss what will work best for you.
For any missed instalments there will be a $25 admin fee charged per payment.

Your Guide
I am Jo and I’ll guide you through this transformative year long spiral of connection, remembrance and Sisterhood.
As an accredited Wheel of Ascension teacher, I am thrilled to offer this glorious body of work. It’s one of my greatest joys to share these ancient ways of being in relationship with the Earth and the cosmos with other women to support them as they return to living in alignment with cyclical wisdom.
An aspect of the medicine I hold is the depth of my heart. I am a gentle 'weaver of the Feminine' and I hold safe and sacred spaces that are always anchored in and led through the frequency of LOVE. I will always meet and hold you in the vastness of love.
I know this may sound simple… In truth it's one of gifts my Soul is here to share with the world and time and time again I witness this transform and alchemise even the deepest and the darkest of pain.
In a world where disconnect is becoming increasingly present, finding ways to experience and then return to love is the remedy.
Meet the Creatress and your Wheel Facilitator
The Wheel of Ascension has been lovingly created by Sharon Bolt, creator of The Temple of Shamanic Magick®.
I am an authorised Teacher and have full permission to lead this container and infuse it with my own magick and embodied experience.
All rituals, magick and alchemy will be woven and held within The White Dragon Lineage® Sacred Space Weaver template and all teachings are embodied with integrity, love, safety, honour and ethics.
With respect I wish to acknowledge the Nauo People as the Traditional owners of the land that The Wheel of the Rose Ceremonies will take place upon. May we all remember to honour the Spirit of place, the ancestors and the land and leave a better world for all our Descendants.
Sharon Bolt
learn more
Jo Bell Cummings
learn more

“A Journey through the Wheel of the Year is a powerful way to align with the Seasons, Heaven and Earth, Above and Below and your Inner Compass."
~Sharon Bolt
Other Offerings & Services
1:1 Alchemy Sessions
Support your growth and awakening through personalised Flower Alchemy or Womb Weaving Sessions.
Seasons of Woman
Beauty comes when women gather in Ceremony. It allows you to step out of the fullness of life and into a modern-day sacred Temple space.
Obsidian Womb Alchemy
This journey enables you to go deep within and find your inner Truth; facilitating a genuine rebirth into your inner magick.
The Heart of the Rose
Embark on a 3 month journey of Sisterhood, Heart healing and Soul expansion which will awaken you to your divine purpose.
The Wheel of Love
A 12-month journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom connecting you to the rhythms of Nature and instilling a sense of belonging.