Reweaving the sacred into modern day life
Remembering and reclaiming the ways of the Feminine
Earth Wisdom, Ceremony and Ritual await you
Through honouring the cycles and seasons of Nature, reconnecting with the wisdom and grace of the Feminine and experiencing the alchemy of the Flower Kingdom, I’ll support you in rediscovering and reclaiming your sense of belonging.
1:1 Sessions
Support your growth and awakening through personalised Flower Essence Therapy, Soul Alchemy or Womb Weaving Sessions.
Obsidian Womb Alchemy & Magick
This journey enables you to go deep within and find your inner Truth; facilitating a genuine rebirth into your inner magick.
The Heart of the Rose
Embark on a 3 month journey of Sisterhood, Heart healing and Soul expansion which will awaken you to your divine purpose.
The Wheel of Love
A 12-month journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom connecting you to the rhythms of Nature and instilling a sense of belonging.
Seasons of Woman
Beauty comes when women gather in Ceremony. It allows you to step out of the fullness of life and into a modern-day sacred Temple space.
I guide Women on an alchemical journey of remembrance and support them to awaken their Feminine Essence so that they can live an empowered life of connection, meaning and purpose that’s guided by their Heart and Soul…
If you are unsure where to begin or what session is right for you, start your healing journey with personalised Soul Alchemy session. This signature offering is the most natural place to begin.
Weaving together therapeutic modalities including Energy Weaving, Soul Constellations® , and the power of botanical Flower Medicine we will identify the root causes of the imbalances present in your system and support your soul in its evolution.
These 1:1 sessions will help you reclaim your vitality and create transformative change in all areas of your life.