Pendulum Dowsing
Awaken your Intuition
The Pendulum has been used throughout the ages as a tool to gain insight, clarity and to access information and knowledge that’s held within the subconscious.
Whether you're just starting with Divination or seeking to deepen your current practice, the Pendulum Dowsing Workshop will offer you a thorough training that taps into the full potential of this simple, yet powerful technique.
During the experiential and interactive day you’ll be shown how to use the Pendulum as a tool with appropriate boundaries and protection, and be given the skills to begin to deepen your understanding of energy.
If you are new to working with the Pendulum and psychic work, this workshop is a great step to harnessing your intuition and beginning your healing journey. If you are an experienced Healer or Practitioner, this workshop will give you a complete modality to incorporate into your existing practice.
As your relationship and understanding of working with the Pendulum develops, your ability to uncover previously hidden truths about yourself or your clients will increase, offering you a powerful tool to support the healing that’s required.
Through guided exercises and practical techniques, you’ll build confidence in interpreting the Pendulum’s movements, understanding energetic shifts and connecting with your inner knowing.

The Pendulum helps you tap into both the subconscious and superconscious aspects of your mind. It is an incredible tool to help you develop your intuition and psychic abilities.
What you will receive…
You’ll learn how to use your Pendulum as a powerful tool to enhance your intuition, gain clarity and find questions about your life path, relationships and Spiritual growth.
You will be shown how to test for foods, appropriate crystals, supplements, herbal medicines, relevant affirmations, self healing, distant healing, changing negative beliefs and working with David Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness and much more. The possibilities are limitless.
You’ll also learn how to heal others (Chakras, Auras and Imprints) using a Pendulum. During the workshop we will go through a full Pendulum healing session so you can start using your skills on clients, family and friends.
One of the most powerful techniques I’ve learnt is how to clear negative emotions using a Pendulum and a magnet, and this is also shared in the teachings.
This is a highly experiential workshop, providing many opportunities to begin healing your own energy centres. You’ll receive a powerful new tool for guidance, along with the knowledge and wisdom to use it with confidence and clarity.

This is so much more than a "how to use a Pendulum" workshop. You will receive a healing modality that can be incorporated into your existing practice, or be used to support your personal healing.
During the Pendulum Dowsing Workshop you will learn to:
Master the art of dowsing so that you receive accurate responses
Understand how to interpret the answers given by the pendulum movements and know when it's time to recheck
Establish rapport with your pendulum quickly and easily
Determine when to ask questions and learn correct ways to phrase questions
Connect to your Higher Self via dowsing
Journey to connect to your inner master dowser and other useful pendulum spiritual connections
Clear limiting beliefs and programmes
Increase abundance via clearing scarcity blocks
Detox your pineal gland for more accurate dowsing
Harness the power of intention and improve your ability to manifest
Connect to Mother Earth and the Elements easily and seamlessly
Learn to use your own body as a pendulum
Awaken your intuition to new levels, to become a “super psychic” with pendulum use

“Tap into the wisdom of your Higher Self and unlock the secrets of the unseen world through the art of Pendulum Dowsing.” ~Sharon Bolt
What You’ll Receive
Learn to connect with your intuition and ignite your healing journey.
Filled with dowsing charts to support your personal healing or your client work.
Organic herbal tea custom created for our Circle of Sisters by Bush Flower Teas.
Healthy snacks will also be provided.
Additional $90.
You will require a Pendulum for the Workshop. I highly recommend the self cleansing Orgonite Pendulums.
Additional $25
To support you in connecting with your intuition.
Meet the Creatress and your Facilitator
Acknowledging with love and gratitude my teacher Sharon Bolt from The Temple Of Shamanic Magick® as the creatress of the Pendulum Dowsing Workshop. Sharon has been dowsing for her own healing and self growth, in her 1:1 sessions and workshops for over 20 years. She works easily and seamlessly with Pendulums, and has distilled the most useful and powerful information and training into a one day workshop to provide techniques to teach you to do the same.
As an accredited Teacher, Ceremonialist and Soul Healing Arts® Practitioner of The White Dragon Lineage®, I’m thrilled to offer this incredible workshop which I have full permission to teach.
I work with the Pendulum daily in my personal life and it has supported my own self growth exponentially. It is an invaluable tool that’s included in all of my 1:1 client sessions and with all the Flower Essence Remedies I create. I am thrilled to share the many ways in which this sacred tool can be worked with in your own life to support you and your business.
All rituals, magick and alchemy shared in the workshop will be woven and held within The White Dragon Lineage® Sacred Space Weaver template and all teachings are embodied with integrity, love, safety, honour and ethics.
Sharon Bolt
learn more
Jo Bell Cummings
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Other Offerings & Services
1:1 Alchemy Sessions
Support your growth and awakening through personalised Flower Alchemy or Womb Weaving Sessions.
Seasons of Woman
Beauty comes when women gather in Ceremony. It allows you to step out of the fullness of life and into a modern-day sacred Temple space.
Obsidian Womb Alchemy
This journey enables you to go deep within and find your inner Truth; facilitating a genuine rebirth into your inner magick.
The Heart of the Rose
Embark on a 3 month journey of Sisterhood, Heart healing and Soul expansion which will awaken you to your divine purpose.
The Wheel of Love
A 12-month journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom connecting you to the rhythms of Nature and instilling a sense of belonging.