The Empress & The Dragon®


An intimate alchemical spiral into the sacred chambers of the Heart.

13th september - 4th DECEMBER 2025

3 month journey ~ In Person Melbourne

The frequency of the Rose has re-emerged strongly in recent years. It’s an important messenger that is needed at this time to realign you to the mysteries, your divine path and your heart centred consciousness. This is why we are seeing such a spread of it amongst the Collective of women’s work at this moment in time. 

Rose has a myriad of messages and it is you who chooses the lineage that is in the deepest alignment with who you are and the work you need to experience during your incarnation. Empress Rose work is heavily aligned to The White Dragon Lineage and the Celtic Mysteries.


Allow The High Queen of Roses to resurrect your Higher Heart into purpose, self love, alignment and your authentic self.


What is The Heart of the Rose?

THE HEART OF THE ROSE IS a 3 month spiral of Womb Alchemy, Sisterhood, Heart Healing and Expansion.

The Heart of the Rose is for women who desire to heal their hearts in order to step into their true and sovereign selves.

Empress Rose will guide you gently back to the Feminine within, awaken your heart, and help you rediscover your divine purpose.

Throughout this journey, you will be guided by love and held in love as you peel back the layers to find inner and outer divinity.

Heart Healing and self-discovery need not feel cumbersome; it can be mystical, soft, joyful and playful. When held in Sisterhood and with reverence for the Feminine within you can begin to open your heart to deeper levels of surrender and receptivity.

    • A deepening of the Womb to Heart connection

    • Ritual magick (Sisterhood of the Rose rituals, Egyptian and Avalonian magical practices)

    • An opening to the miracles of Mary Magdalene

    • Empowering the magnetism of your Heart Centre

    • Sisterhood – Light and Shadow

    • Heart Clearings and Activations

    • Activating your Spirit’s true voice and frequency

    • Deepening self mothering, self nurturing and self love

    • Emotional release work

    • Working with the Elemental Body

    • Heart Energy Manifestation practices - the Heart of Abundance

    • Working with Body Devas

    • Teachings of the Mystic Rose

    • The Galactic Garden of Roses

    • Rose Ceremony – opening to the 12D rose

    • Releasing the sacrificial heart and stepping into your power

    • The Dreaming Rose

    • The truth about Twin Flames, Twin Souls and Soul Mates – opening up to yourself

    • Cleanse old Soul wounds and scars

    • Reclaim your inner Feminine Divinity

    • A releasing of the thorns of the heart


 As Priestesses of the Temple let us come together in Sisterhood, reverence and respect to reclaim our inner feminine divinity

How the Heart Unfolds

The Heart of the Rose will be offered in person in melbourne in 2025.

You will begin your 3 month journey with a safe, loving, and supportive Circle of women in a 2 day workshop. From here you will be guided into the sacred chambers of your heart. 

Following our weekend together, we will then come together monthly in Circle for the duration of our 3 month Spiral to receive teachings of the Rose. Each gathering will include Sacred Mystery Teachings, Rituals, and the shared wisdom of a Women’s Circle. The Circles will awaken your heart and expand your capacity to love in magickal and miraculous ways.

You’ll gently fuse your Heart energy with your Womb centre throughout this journey for a joyous level of embodiment and sensuality.  

This journey will support you to ‘know thyself’ and will connect you to your Feminine Self. 

By delving into the ancient wisdom of the womb and the Heart, connecting deeply with your body, understanding the archetypes and balancing the three Dan Tiens, you can restore your inner balance of Masculine and Feminine essence to discover a sense of wholeness, self empowerment and purpose alignment.

As you walk the Path of the Rose you will embrace your Heart’s longing to reclaim your sovereignty, worthiness, and inherent power as a woman. You will shed thorns of the past that have hindered you from truly walking and living your path as the Woman you know yourself to be.

During your Heart of the Rose 3 month journey you will receive…

  • Where you’ll gathering Ceremony to receive practices, rituals and Rose Mystery teachings to support the unfurling of your Heart.

  • Bathe in the magick of sisterhood and allow yourself to be fully seen, heard and held through your Rose journey. 

  • Mark the end of this part of your journey and the sacred container of the Rose and celebrate the reintegration of the deep transformation into your life.

  • A space to share and support each other, you will be held in reverence here and all parts of you will be welcomed.

  • Gifts and talismans to help incorporate ritual and healing into your days and bring about deeper healing.


    • High-Quality Rose Quartz Yoni Egg

    • Sacred Geometry Altar Cloth

    • Copper Chalice

    • Rose Breast Oil

    • Rose Flower Essence

    • Rose Quartz Crystals

    • Rose Incense

    • Organic Vibrational Mist

    • Candles for Candle Magick

Journey Deeper

Experience a deeper transformation and expansion during your Heart Journey:

For women wanting to uncover more and dive further into this work, you have the option of upgrading your Empress Rose journey to include 2 x one-on-one Flower Alchemy sessions to realign your internal compass over the 3 months. 

These sessions will allow a deeper integration of the embodied work and teachings of the Rose.

This extra personalised fusion of Flower Alchemy work will include: 

  • (online via Zoom) 

  • To support the uncoverings from each personalised session.

  • To support your integration during your Heart journey. 

To discover in more detail what these individual upgrade sessions will support you with head HERE to read more.

Dive Deeper with a Personalised Upgrade

Your Guide

I am Jo and I’ll lovingly and gently guide you through this 3-month spiral. 

As an accredited Heart of the Rose teacher, I am thrilled to offer this transformative body of work which has had a profound impact on me, and also the many women who have journeyed through this program. 

The Heart of the Rose is sacred in the truest sense of the word.

It is one of my greatest joys to guide women into their hearts and help them to make choices from this place. 

I will hold the lantern high and guide you towards your shore, I will support you as you begin to unfurl the petals of your Heart and bloom as majestically as the rose itself. 

The Empress and the Dragon Heart of the Rose will guide you towards…



    Lanterns will guide you along the way to shed light on ways to create, find, and use the tools you need to facilitate your own healing. 



    You’ll awaken dormant Feminine energies within. Your capacity to feel and to love will be expanded and this will ripple outwards into your world in exquisite ways.



    Through reconnection with your heart and to the women walking the Rose path by your side you’ll come together in sisterhood to reclaim your inner feminine divinity. You’ll no longer compromise your truth. 


Upcoming Dates 2025

Opening Ceremonial Workshop ~ In Person Melbourne
13th September 2025 - 4th December 2025

Rose Women’s Circle ~ Online:

Date: Thursday 16th October 6.00pm - 7.30pm ACDT

Rose Women’s Circle ~ Online:

Date: Thursday 13th November 6.00pm - 7.30pm ACDT

Rose Women’s Closing ~ Online:

Date: Thursday 4th December 6.00pm - 7.30pm ACDT


Your Investment

$1888 AUD Full Price

Pay by Instalment available ~ For custom payment plans please contact me

$1222 For Women who are repeating Rose

Please Note : Freight included for Australia only

The Heart of the Rose upgrade - to include 2 x personal Flower Alchemy sessions to deepen the work and transformation. 

$ 2433 AUD

Payment plans are available for both online and in-person options including the upgraded version. 

For custom payment plans please contact me. 

International freight will be a extra $60 per package and will be invoiced separately
International Shipping Zones: NZ, UK, US and Canada

THE HEART OF THE ROSE - Pay by Instalments
from A$477.00 every month for 4 months


Meet the Creatress and your Empress Facilitator

The Empress and the Dragon® is a 3 part Inner Priestess Training which awakens a woman to her greatest potential. It has been lovingly created by Sharon Bolt, creator of The Temple of Shamanic Magick®.

The first part of the programme, Obsidian, focuses on your Womb and power centre, the Lower Cauldron. Heart of the Rose focuses on your Heart centre, the Middle Cauldron and Sword of Truth focuses on your Pineal gland - the Upper Cauldron. The programme doesn’t need to be done in chronological order, however both Obsidian and Rose are to be completed before experiencing Sword of Truth.

As an accredited teacher of Heart of the Rose and a Shamanic Magician gratuate of The White Dragon Lineage®, I am thrilled to offer this transformative body of work which has had a profound impact on me, and also the many women who have journeyed through this programme. The Heart of the Rose is sacred in the truest sense of the word.

All rituals, magick and alchemy will be woven and held within The White Dragon Lineage® Sacred Space Weaver template and all teachings are embodied with integrity, love, safety, honour and ethics.

Sharon Bolt

learn more

Jo Bell Cummings

learn more

The Heart of the Rose is for women who desire to heal their hearts in order to step into their true and sovereign selves.

Other Offerings & Services

  • 1:1 Services

    1:1 Alchemy Sessions

    Support your growth and awakening through personalised Flower Alchemy or Womb Weaving Sessions.

  • Seasons of Woman

    Seasons of Woman

    Beauty comes when women gather in Ceremony. It allows you to step out of the fullness of life and into a modern-day sacred Temple space.

  • Obsidian Womb Alchemy

    This journey enables you to go deep within and find your inner Truth; facilitating a genuine rebirth into your inner magick.

  • The Heart of the Rose

    The Heart of the Rose

    Embark on a 3 month journey of Sisterhood, Heart healing and Soul expansion which will awaken you to your divine purpose.

  • The Wheel of Love

    The Wheel of Love

    A 12-month journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom connecting you to the rhythms of Nature and instilling a sense of belonging.