Path of the Sacred


An alchemical 12 month journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom.
27th May 2024 - 2nd June 2025

The Great Mother is constantly communicating with you, reminding you of your inherent connection to her and the entire web of life. 

Since the beginning of time, women have understood their connection to the Earth and her changing cycles and seasons. Our ancestors lived in harmony with all of Nature, yet over time this wisdom has been forgotten, resulting in disconnect - to ourselves, to one another and in our relationship with the land. 

The very simple truth is - you belong. You are not alone, nor have you ever been. 

We are all one within the greater web of life and there is no separation. Nature isn’t separate from you, it is who and what you are. Just as our much-loved Mother Earth moves through her seasons, as a woman you do too… You are a beautiful, integral and ever changing part of the Spiral of creation. 

As you consciously walk through the Wheel of the Year and return to the rhythms, the cycles and seasons of Nature, a beautiful reconnection takes place. You come back home to self and anchor in your place of belonging.

You remember yourself as a woman divinely connected to the Earth and guided by the Cosmic realms above. 


…Deepen your experience of Sacred Ceremony, Earth Wisdom, Connection to Self, Unity Consciousness, Sisterhood and Seasonal Magick…


THE WHEEL OF THE ROSE is an ONLINE 12 month journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom teachings.

The cornerstone of the Wheel is reweaving the sacred and holy back into your daily life. This is a Spiralling journey of remembrance and devotion to Spirit and your personal path.

It is a conscious walk through the Wheel of the Year and a return to the rhythms, cycles, and seasons of Nature. 

It is a slowing down and reconnecting with the gentle feminine flow of the Earth’s wisdom. 

Over the 12 months, you will gather in Ceremony every 6 weeks alongside other like-minded women to celebrate and honour the turning of the Great Wheel.

You will celebrate the Holy Days of the Celtic Wheel just as our ancestors did with rituals that will honour your connection to the Sun and the life that it offers, and the Earth and her changing cycles and seasons.

You’ll reweave yourself into the fabric of nature and allow yourself to realign to your internal compass.

The 12 month Spiral is an opportunity to step into balance, inner unity and expanded consciousness. The 8 Holy Day Ceremonies will deepen your personal relationship to Mother Earth and to the Sun. You will experience Elemental Dragon power and realignment of the Divine Child within. This is a mythical and magickal journey through the Great Wheel of the Year.

We begin our 12-month journey with An Alchemy of Prayer Opening call. Our first High Holy Day Ceremony will be at Winter Solstice and from here you will be guided through the seasons and into the layers of your inner world. As we align to the rhythms of Mother Earth and attune to her changing seasons, we will also feel the shift within our own inner and outer worlds. Through this deep alchemical work we remember the wisdom that’s been passed down from our ancestors who came before us and we reclaim ourselves as cyclical beings.

As you walk The Wheel of the Rose you will plant your dream seeds at Winter Solstice which then begin to sprout at the first light at Imbolc.

At Spring Equinox you’ll experience a beautiful embodied blossoming that begins to take place, like a flower in full and radiant bloom. During Beltane you will ignite and expand your passion and capacity for loving. When the Sun reaches its peak at Summer Solstice you will devote to the radiance and full expression of your Soul’s truth.

At Lughnasadh your heart will be awakened with love and gratitude as you rebirth yourself anew. At Mabon whilst held within a loving Circle of Women you will identify and begin to easefully and gracefully shed that which is no longer in resonance or alignment with your growth. In May 2025 at Samhain you will step through the final threshold of our Spiral and will gently move through the dark to uncover the patterns and wounds that are keeping you stuck in perpetual cycles that no longer serve you. This beautiful and multi-layered journey is in service to your Soul’s Path and is a blessing for your lineage.

The Wheel of the Rose Ceremony Dates for the 2024/25 Spiral >

The Wheel of the Rose be safely held within a Shamanic Energy Training® template under the White Dragon Lineage. Throughout the journey you will be offered Earth Wisdom Practices through each season and will be lovingly held by the medicine of the flowers for the duration of the 12 month Spiral.


THE WHEEL OF THE ROSE is for women who wish to cultivate their relationship to the Earth and to journey through the seasons…

It is for women who are ready to acknowledge and alchemise their shadows in order to step into their fullest expression…

During the Wheel of the Rose you will feel your sense of belonging and reconnection take root… to yourself, Mother Earth and to the women walking by your side.


Our guides for the journey and the Alchemy of Prayer…

The 12 month Spiral through the seasons will be led by a Welsh Dragon, a Chinese Dragon, Quetzalcoatl and the Rainbow Serpent and together they will help us discover the mysteries of the Sun festivals, creation, alignment, Soul re-birth and so much more. Lady Rose will also guide and teach us as we journey through the Wheel of the Year… I am so excited to share the messages from our incredible Ceremonial Guardians and from the Spirit Guides that will assist us in anchoring each key into our reality.

Included in The Wheel of the Rose is also a bonus online training on the Alchemy of Prayer training which has been created by Sharon Bolt. A daily sovereign prayer practice can assist you in feeling connected, centred, grounded and energetically stable. It aligns your inner compass to your Divinity, to Source Consciousness and will open up the pathways of love between your Spirit, Soul, Body and Heart.

Sovereign prayer is not outside of oneself, it does not give our power away and does not open us up to energetic harvesting. This method of prayer can initiate a true etheric heart opening and deep love for All That You Are and All That Is. This type of prayer is non binding and tremendously healing and connecting.


 “A Journey through the Wheel of the Year is a powerful way to align with the Seasons, Heaven and Earth, Above and Below and your Inner Compass."

~Sharon Bolt


During THE WHEEL OF THE ROSE 12 month Spiral you will receive…

  • 8 x Online Holy Day Ceremonies with esoteric background teachings - Offered every 6 weeks for each Sabbat

  • 1 x Bonus online Alchemy of Prayer Training

  • 4 x Seasonal Rose Prayer Circles

  • 8 x Rose Flower Essence formulas to journey with through the duration of the Spiral

  • 8 x Seasonal workbooks that include Earth Wisdom Practices, Rituals and Embodiment Practices

  • Soul Constellations® at each Holy Day Ceremony to support your throughout the year

  • The Colour Rays and how to weave the Rainbow Energy into your daily life

  • A journey through the Tarot Major Arcana which unlocking the gifts of archetypal wisdom

  • Seasonal Tree and Flower Medicine

  • Intuitive Creative and Embodiment practices for each Ceremony

  • 1 x Altar Cloth + Altar Pack

  • Private Online Space to Connect

Wheel of the Rose Investment

$2222 AUD Online Full Price
Pay by Instalment plans available

Upcoming Wheel of the Rose Dates for 2024 / 2025 Spiral

We begin 27th May 2024 - 2nd June 2025

The Wheel of the Rose Online Ceremony Dates for the 2024/25 Spiral >

The Wheel of Love - Pay by Instalments
from A$190.00 every month for 1 year

 More Information

This work, The Wheel of Ascension was created by Sharon Bolt Shamanic Energy Training® and The Temple of Shamanic Magick®. I am an authorised Teacher and have full permission to lead this container and infuse it with my own magick and embodied experience.

The powerful and transformative journey is for women who wish to deepen their connection to themselves, their inner world and the Earth’s cycles. This experience will be a powerful anchor for the work you do in 2024/2025.

With respect I wish to acknowledge the Nauo People as the Traditional owners of the land that The Wheel of the Rose Ceremonies will take place upon. May we all remember to honour the Spirit of place, the ancestors and the land and leave a better world for all our Descendants.

The Wheel of the Rose has offered me a sisterhood...
A place to feel heard, to be seen, a place for us to rest our weary souls... where we join together and are all equal.
I’ve been reminded of the importance of honouring the Earth’s cycles and as such, I’m now living in unison with nature.
Jo creates a safe space for each of us to come back to our true soul essence.
— Michelle

Other Offerings & Services

  • 1:1 Services

    1:1 Sessions

    Support your growth and awakening through personalised Flower Essence Therapy, Soul Alchemy or Womb Weaving.

  • The Heart of the Rose

    The Heart of the Rose

    Embark on a 3 month journey of Sisterhood, Heart healing and Soul expansion which will awaken you to your divine purpose.

  • The Wheel of the Rose

    The Wheel of the Rose

    A 12-month journey of Sacred Ceremony and Earth Wisdom connecting you to the rhythms of Nature and instilling a sense of belonging.

  • Women's Cirlces

    A safe and supportive space for us to come together and experience the gentle nurturing energy of the feminine.