The Wheel of the Year


Consciously living life in alignment with the Wheel of the Year is a path that is best felt and experienced… it isn't one that can be intellectualized or logically understood.

This journey is about feeling the cycles and the seasons in each cell of the body and in time, we come to recognise how they animate through us. You see, nature isn’t separate from us, it is who and what we are.

This path is wild and unpredictable. 

It is beautiful and at times uncomfortable - however this is the journey of life in alignment with the rhythms of the Earth and the cycles of the Sun. 

The Holy Days reweave us into the fabric of Nature - they deeply nourish the Soul's Journey and allow us to realign with our own internal compass. 

We must continue to revive these ancient and sacred teachings that are a part of all of our lineages to support the restoration and the thriving of humanity. 

Throughout the Wheel of the Rose we are consciously reweaving the Sacred and the Holy into our daily lives.

Through this beautiful work we are remembering the ways of our ancestors, planting seeds for our descendants and consciously contributing to the evolution of our Soul. 

The 12 month Spiral is an opportunity to step into balance, inner unity and expanded consciousness. This exquisite body of work has been created by my mentor @sharonbolt_ @shamanicenergytraining and it is a joy to share this in the world with sprinkles of my own unique medicine


Heart of the Rose


Path of the Priestess