Women's Circles


Women have been gathering together in Circle since the beginning of time to connect, share and support one another as they’ve navigated through the valleys and transitions of life.

When we sit in Circle together our Feminine self softens and our strengths, gifts and wisdom merge to form a supportive and loving web of connection for one another.

As we share our stories, magic begins to happen. Things start to shift and change in our lives.

During the 10 years that I've been facilitating Circles I've witnessed women heal deep Sister wounds and find their joy and personal power - These are just a few of the many blessings that happen when Women gather in Circle.

In Circle we learn the beautiful and delicate art of open listening. As each Sister shares, we offer her a safe place to explore and share the depths of her experience - there is an immense self understanding and healing that happens as we offer this for one another.

In Circle we often recognise that the threads of our stories are similar, and our stories become the medicine that we each need to hear. As each Sister shares, it awakens a truth and a deeper understanding of our own self.

In a world where there is so much disconnect and separation, the Circle reminds us that we are part of a greater whole.

Women’s Circles weave into all that I offer in the world. I believe they are a powerful medicine for us all as we move through these transitional times.


The Empress and the Dragon


What is Ceremony?